God Knew Thee Before Forming Thee in thy Womb

Jeremias 1:5 Before I formed thee in the bowels of thy mother, I knew thee: and before thou camest forth out of the womb, I sanctified thee, and made thee a prophet unto the nations.

Genesis 49:25 The God of thy father shall be thy helper, and the Almighty shall bless thee with the blessings of heaven above, with the blessings of the deep that lieth beneath, with the blessings of the breasts and of the womb.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

My Story of Silence on a Friends Abortion

When I was in sixth grade I got my first bible.  I was 11 years old.  
I started to read it every day.  I was raised in a modernist household
with the novus ordo that when to church religiously every Sunday
and to CCD during the week as we attended public schools.

I was liked by every one but at the same time was a loner.  I was a 
bookworm as I am now.  I had a friend though who was older and 
was a bad influence on me.  When my parents were out of town she 
took me to see bad movies.

So, there I was learning about right and wrong.  Reading about
 it in my bible and seeing the evil of bad in movies she exposed 
my innocence to.

One weekend when I was 14, I was with her and over heard her 
tell another friend that she was pregnant. She caught me listening 
and so, told me every thing.  At first I had to keep the pregnancy as
 a secret because it would ruin her future of being in college.

Then later she told me she had decided to have an abortion and
 so I had to keep that secret also.  She never told me when she did it.  
But, I knew it was wrong.  I told her so but she argued how it was 
"better this way" for all involved; especially her parents whom she 
wanted to keep her in high esteem; whom she said would be 
devastated if they knew.

So, there I was in a quandary.  Do I tell her parents and give the 
baby a chance at being saved? Or do I say nothing?  I could see 
that I wouldn't convince her on my own.

I rationalized that it was her sin; her decision.  I wasn't part of it.
But, truly, was this the case?  No, I can't believe it was.

I was graced by God to learn the truth and I was given this 
truth to save the baby. I did nothing.  I did absolutely nothing 
except make excuses.

Perhaps I was afraid of the wrath of my friend or the 
disappointment of her parents.  Perhaps I was just lazy.  Truly
 I don't remember.  All I know is that I made a conscience 
decision to do absolutely nothing.  

Truly, I let the devil deceive me into thinking it wasn't my problem. 
 I was propelled into indecision so chose to do nothing.

I think I was a little confused; but not too much because I knew
 that baby was going to die.  I knew it was wrong.  

I failed to act.  The baby did die.  For the next few years I was
 in coping mode just trying to get through school as I had to go
 to school, be in sports and then work and then babysit and do
 homework.  I had no normal time to myself as I was occupied
 constantly with "work".

By the time I hit college I was a wreck.  I was sick with mono 
and bronchitis, depressed and needed a break.  We lived that
 sort of life in our household because we attended a private
 school and I had to work to pay for tuition since my parents
 couldn't afford all of it. 

I didn't have much time to think about the baby.  But, when
 I left home and was in college that baby was with me every 
where I went. 

It influenced every decision I made.  It made me the person 
I am today.  That baby made me choose God.  It made me
 choose life decisions over and over again.  It made me 
choose a counter-cultural lifestyle and helping the less
 fortunate.  That baby made me choose a life of poverty over 
a career.  That baby made me choose marriage over ever 
having a live in boy friend.  Well, I will not say the baby 
made me choose to have children because I loved children 
and would have chosen to have them whether that baby had 
been in my life or not.

I went on to have five children of my own.

But, there comes a time when we must pay our debts and 
pay for our mistakes and God gave me a good life those 
many years caring for many children, elderly people and 
those with disabilities, topping it off with my own five 
lovely children.

But, a dark cloud was brewing over our household.  Suffering 
came with a split home and for the last five years I 
have had to work on my debt I owed that little baby  
whom I participated in depriving of life 20 years earlier
by an act of indecision where I didn't even try to save his 
or hers life.

1 comment:

  1. Denise, you are suffering with abortion stress syndrome. God wants to offer you healing! I encourage you to work on an abortion recovery Bible study or to attend a Rachel's Vineyard retreat.
